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Sarah dressed as a Swedish girl for an international day at school. We borrowed the costume from the Swedish Consulate in HK.
Written by Moberg on 23 Mar 2010 06:30 PM
We are happy to see Sarah Barbour in a folk costume during a celebration of International Day. Sarah and her parents Scott and Leslie and sister Magie and brother Ben are living at the international community in Hong Kong where Scott's American company--a divison of Emerson Electric--has business interests. We are excited that the Barbours are planning to join their extended Swedish cousins in Halmstad for the reunion. Leslie's father, the late Leslie H. Johnson, visited Halmstad with his father Anders in 1932--when he was 13 years old. We hope to show her and her children many of the places her Dad visited almost 77 years ago. I can speak with authority that Leslie Johnson had many fond memories of his 1933 visit as does his first cousin Goran Westerberg (son of Anne) who will be attending this year's reunion with his family (wife Harriet and son Anders and his wife Karin). We will be posting a photo of that 1933 trip on this BLOG.
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