Robert L. Johnson
1850 North Clark Street #3004
Chicago, Illinois 60614 USA
On 11 April 1835, Anders Jönsson was born at Bengs¯storp (Kvibille) Sweden. In Halmstad he was a coachman at Wallenberg Fabric AB. He and his wife Kerstin had nine surviving children. During the great emigration of the last century, five of their children emigrated to the United States. In time, son August returned to Sweden and he and the siblings that remained in Halmstad—Karl (d 1904), Eric, Alma and Annie—established their families where their descendants live to present day. While in America, Johan Edward (Mabel), Anna (Otto), Augusta (Carl), and Anders (Margaret) sought to make a new life.
During the intervening time—1910 to the present—first letters and telephone calls, and then family and now e-mail have crossed the Atlantic Ocean in an ongoing endeavor to preserve family ties. In so doing the links between the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great, great grandchildren of Anders and Kerstin survive.
In recent years, younger descendants of Anders & Kerstin in America have expressed interest in visiting Sweden to become more familiar with their family roots. This July 2010, several American families plan to visit Halmstad for the first time. Still others have taken up the task to study and record the stamtavla/family tree with Anders Jönsson as stamfader/progenitor.
With this letter I am extending an invitation to you and your family to join us on July (23rd, 24th & 25th) 2010, in Halmstad, Sweden. In addition to the informal introductions to people and sights, an all family smorgasbord is planned at the Grand Hotel. Further details will be shared over the next few months.
I have asked Judith Krotky of JMK Travel to assist with scheduling and booking of affordable air and land travel and hotel reservations regardless of point of origination. Reference “Jönsson Family Reunion” at Acting now will block rooms at the Grand Hotel.
But please contact to advise me of your level of interest. We hope you will attend, but if unable you can access the website and participate in the information sharing.
Thank you.
Bob Johnson