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African American Artist in Finland

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Category: Education
Start date: 13 Jun 2024 06:00 PM
End date: 13 Jun 2024 07:30 PM
Street / Location: 2655 NW Market Street
City / town: Seattle
Country: Washington, USA
Organizer: National Nordic Museum
Name: National Nordic Museum
Email: nordic@nordicmuseum.org
Phone: 206.789.5707
Homepage: www.nordicmuseum.org/events/howard-smith-lecture

In the early 1960s, African American artist Howard Smith made the move to Finland to escape the racism and lack of professional opportunities he faced in his home country. Relentlessly creative, he worked in a wide variety of media, including drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, ceramics, and textile and paper collage. In this talk, Los Angeles County Museum of Art's Bobbye Tigerman examines Smith's life as well as his many contributions to Nordic art and design.